We Are Going to Be OK- Uplift the World Blogpost- April 2020

You will note this was at the beginning of the COVID shutdown.  This entire message came to me in the shower.  I typed it up in about 20 minutes.

When I was a teenager, my sister Jaycie and I would argue often. My mom would shake her head and wonder why we just couldn’t get along.  One day one of us responded sarcastically, “what are you talking about Mom? She’s my best friend!” After that, when my mom would chastise us, one of us would respond with that comment. One day after saying it, I realized I wasn’t being sarcastic anymore. Even though we had been disagreeing, it had become true. Jaycie WAS my best friend. She knew me like no one else. She understood me like no one else. She and I came from the same place. Whenever life has knocked me over, she was there to help me get back up. The words I had said over and over had become the truth. 

You know how usually when people ask you how you are, it’s easy to say fine. In college, I decided that was boring, so I started saying super great. I learned it’s difficult to have a depressing or even disappointing day when you are regularly telling people you are super great.

We are all dealing with turmoil and uncertainty these days. We don’t have the answers.  We don’t know what it will look like tomorrow, or after this is all over. We don’t know what to tell our children and other loved ones, even though we desire to be a source of their comfort and peace. We are all struggling to know what to do.

We cannot control much, but there is power in our words.  

There is power in a spoken prayer.  Our children hear us plead with our Heavenly Father for the things we need today.  And as we thank Him, they are reminded of the many ways we are blessed even when some things may be scarce.  They hear our faith in the Almighty and His power to save.  I have been repeating to myself “He’s got this. We are going to be OK.”  As I repeat it throughout my day, the Spirit testifies to me that it is true!  No matter what happens, our Heavenly Father hasn’t forgotten us.  He is keenly aware of our needs, our fears, our concerns.  He may not answer how we wish, but He will be there—always. 

Annie Henrie Nader, Forget Me Not

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” 

In the midst of the world’s events, try reaching out to our loving Heavenly Father. Let those around you hear you do it. He will hear and answer us. And He will speak words of peace so that the Holy Ghost can testify they are true and help you feel His peace every day. He’s got this. We are going to be OK.



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