Jesus is My Liahona
A few weeks ago, I traveled to Atlanta to accompany my high school friend while she was married in the temple. She lives about 10 miles from my cousin so I was very excited to see them both. I was amazed at how often I relied on the GPS in my phone to navigate my car rental to my cousin’s house and to all the wedding events. Even when my pathway was blocked by road construction, the GPS never failed me… It got me to the temple. A few minutes late, but as I assured the bride, they weren’t doing anything until SHE got there! As we passed the exit we were supposed to take, that map app told me the next way to turn and took me right to where I needed to be in a strange city.
In the scriptures we read of how Jehovah led the travels of the Children of Israel with a pillar of fire by night and a cloud of smoke by day. Can you imagine being led this way to where God wanted you to go? We also read of another ancient instrument of navigation…
President Spencer W. Kimball said this:
Can you think of yourself as being Nephi who heard his father excitedly call attention to something he had found just outside the door of his tent? There must have been great excitement in their family when the ball was shown to them. You and they found it to be “a round ball of curious workmanship,” made “of fine brass,” and none of you had ever seen anything like it before. (1 Ne. 16:10.) It had two spindles or pointers which were designed to indicate the direction of movement of the party as they went forward. For no reason that you could figure out, one of the spindles pointed a specific direction which was identified by Lehi as the direction that should be followed into the wilderness.
If you … observed very carefully the workings of this unusual ball, you would note that it worked “according to the faith and diligence and heed” which were given unto it concerning the way you should go. (1 Ne. 16:28.) What would you think if, upon closer examination, you noted that there were writings upon the ball that were “plain to be read” and went farther than pointing direction—they explained the ways of the Lord. And what if the instructions were “changed from time to time” as additional demands were made of the Lord and this “according to the faith and diligence” which the family gave to it? (1 Ne. 16:29.)
Never had you seen anything like it, for it was curious workmanship. The directions to which the spindles pointed were invariable, but the writings were changed from time to time according to need.
The ball, or Liahona—which is interpreted to mean a compass—was prepared by the Lord especially to show unto Lehi the course which he should travel in the wilderness. Wouldn’t you like to have that kind of a ball—(to) point the right way and write messages to you?
We often compare the Liahona to the Holy Ghost, but today my talk is on how Jesus is my Liahona.
My mind kept coming to the verse in John 14 where Jesus says: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
We all want to come to the Father again. So the only way to get there is with Jesus.
How is Jesus the way?
Jesus truly gave us an example to follow. He showed us we need to be baptized. He showed us that there are things we do to obey God.
He showed us how to treat people around us. He taught us to love one another through his words and actions. He spent most of his time with people that society had discounted or rejected. I read something recently that pointed out something that made me think. We often think about how Jesus taught what people often refer to as the Golden Rule… Mark 12:31 -Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Sounds good, right. One of those, “how to get along on the playground” or “in the neighborhood”, or “in life” rules… But how did He teach the disciples how to love during the Last Supper? Listen to how He says it’s a NEW commandment. John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
He now teaches them to not just love people the way they love themselves… He wants them to love as HE loves. That’s a higher kind of love. But it’s what He wants us to become. True disciples are trying to live, act, speak, and love like Jesus.
That isn’t always easy. But if He tells us to do it, it must be possible. Especially if I profess to be a follower of Jesus. Especially if the point of this life is to become like the Savior… He shows me and that should guide my life. Jesus shows me perfect grace and I, likewise, should desire to show grace and understanding to those around me. That’s His way.
Now He also threw out the money changers. So how do I follow that way? I can recognize and reverence that which is holy and sacred. In our day, we see a lot of people who are aggressive and condemning, proclaiming that they do it for holy reasons. But our prophet, President Nelson boldly spoke recently of being peacemakers. Clearly, Jesus knows each person’s back story. Clearly, I don’t. I think how I should follow His way should be with meekness and love if I’m following the prophet’s counsel. And I know that the best way to follow Jesus is to act in a way where the Spirit will be present. We can love and value holy things in a loving way. We can follow the Spirit when we choose to be vocal about it, so that our actions are pleasing unto the Prince of Peace. And we can do all things in love, in holy ways and at appropriate times.
How else is Jesus the Way? I have learned that anytime I want to change, muscling through myself is not the answer. I need the enabling power of Jesus’ atonement. He is the only way to change my natural man. He can literally change my desires and my heart. I had an amazing friend once. She was so talented and so adored by others. She was kind and welcoming. I’m pretty sure I could hardly find a flaw. I felt horribly jealous. But I didn’t like how I felt. I didn’t want to be jealous of her. I didn’t want to stew with these negative feelings. But I just couldn’t seem to put them down even though I tried. One night after reading the scriptures looking for answers, I decided that I couldn’t do it alone. This was too big for me, so I prayed about it. The next morning, all bad thoughts of her were cleared from my heart and mind. If we have sins, weaknesses, or character flaws, Jesus can change us. It may take time and does take great desire. He will help you grow through the process. And most likely, the change will be so miraculous you will be like the tenth healed leper that doesn’t quite know how to thank Him enough.
How is Jesus the Truth?
One thing I thought of is that we have internal dialogue that tells us who we are and what value we hold. We interact with others in our daily world and we hear and see messages that influence what we think of ourselves. We try to figure out who we are and where we fit in. We often are our harshest critics. But Jesus knows the truth. He sees us as we really are and our true potential. He already knows all our sins, all our weaknesses, all our regrets. All of it. If we want to know the truth, it isn’t in the commercials trying to sell a product. It isn’t in the latest fad or cool toy or listening to that person at school, at the office, or online. It’s in the Master’s view. He sees us as only He can. He knows my backstory. And when I fall flat on my nose, that’s why He atoned for me. Not so I can throw in the towel. He believes in me. He knows He made it possible for me to grow and become. He sees the entire journey. So when I’m weak, or even rebellious, His truth is that it’s not the end. It’s not over. Nothing is impossible with Him walking beside me. I just need to stay with Him and keep trying.
One of my favorite quotes is from Elder Holland: “however late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.
It seems the thing to say these days is that you should find YOUR truth. I suspect knowing Jesus’ truth about us and who we’ve been and who we will be… That’s the truth that’s really worth knowing. He’s the source of all truth and He always tells the truth. It’s probably mindblowing what He knows about each of us. He has big plans for each of us, if we trust Him and let Him prevail in our lives.
How is Jesus the Life?
Jesus is literally the Life. The only way to overcome death and sin and return to the presence of our Heavenly Father. Back when we were considering what it was like to have access to a Liahona, it seemed pretty wonderful. Knowing I will see those I love again and that death is not the end, that’s truly the gift. And being able to become someone who will be worthy and welcome to dwell with God again is the other part of the gift.
We recently read about Jesus cleansing the disciples’ feet and He talks about being “clean every whit”. I dream of that day, when He tells me I am clean every whit. The thought of that feels truly like the most amazing gift He can give me. He has plans and confidence He can change me that much.
Remember how the Liahona only worked if they showed it faith, diligence, and heed. Jesus is waiting and willing to help us. But we have to have faith in Him, or want to grow faith in Him. This relationship may be new to you or feel distant. You may not know yet if you can trust Him or worry that He isn’t really willing to do it for you. But you can want to grow your faith in Him. You can definitely start there. He will meet you there if you reach for Him.
Diligence means you keep trying. You work to learn how to follow Him. You practice following His way. You sometimes figure out the next right thing and trust that He knows the best way for you. Nephi tells us that the Liahona kept them in the most fertile parts of the wilderness. Fertile means places where things grew well. If we want to grow in the ways Jesus intends, it may not be what we have planned and it may not be easy. But He is “the way”, so we trust Him.
A month ago, I got to substitute teach seminary on the Parable of the Ten Virgins. In this story, the virgins represent the believers and how we should prepare for Jesus’ return. You were probably taught that we are responsible for our own oil. We can’t borrow from others because it represents our conversion or testimonies that are built drop by drop through righteous choices and behaviors. Unfortunately, this sometimes seems like completing a checklist of the Sunday School answers… say your prayers- get a drop. Read your scriptures- drop, go to church-drop.
But I am realizing that it isn’t about proving we did enough. It’s about becoming someone who is ready to live when the Savior rules and reigns on the earth. And the drops are really practice of behaviors He taught, so they settle in our hearts and they become our natural behaviors. It’s about what I said earlier- trying to live, act, speak, and love like Jesus so that I am ready to live in a world that is led by Him. It's about building a relationship with Him by our diligence so he won’t say that we knew him not.
Lastly, the Liahona worked on the heed they gave it. Jesus stands waiting. He desperately wants to help us. But He will never force us, he will only invite. If we want Him to show us the way, teach us the truth, and give us eternal life and return us to our Heavenly Father, we must heed what He said. If the scriptures feel like a foreign language, He will help you as you seek the Holy Ghost to help you understand. And as you continue to read, somehow you start to become more and more acquainted with the words. Seek his words from inspired leaders, your patriarchal blessing, and from the Holy Ghost as He prompts you. Practice living as Jesus taught and build a relationship with Him. He truly is the way, the truth, and the life and as we give faith, diligence and heed, He will help us through this life back to our Heavenly Father.
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