May 2022 RS Newsletter

I have been thinking a lot lately about light.  This time of year, I am amazed how more motivated I feel after a long, dark winter.  The longer days are refreshing and I am less weary.  I often don’t even realize how late it’s getting.  Brynne Wilcox asked in her April Relief Society lesson for us to think of examples of people who shared their light with us.  I have been reflecting on specific friends and moments when someone shared their light with me.  Usually it was nothing monumental to them, but it was profound and meaningful to me.  One friend told me often that she loved me.  A sister from this ward texted that she had been thinking of me.  I have a friend that always gives good advice.  One young woman bore her testimony of scripture study.  So many share their light with me.  It lifts me and helps me find joy.  This light gives me courage and hope.

Jesus describes Himself as the “light of the world” (John 8:12).  Guess who else He says is the “light of the world” (Matt. 5:14)?  Us!!!  He needs us to reflect His light for others to feel and see.  Remember that Primary song, “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam”?  What if each of us chose to be a Sunbeam for Jesus each day in some way?  Imagine how bright that would be!

We are all so busy and sometimes reaching out is awkward.  Sometimes we don’t feel like we have no idea how to share our light.  We don’t all need to do it the same way.  We all have different talents, different strengths, different communication styles.  But we can find ways to share more light if we have a desire to.  It doesn’t have to be anything big, but it will matter. 

President Nelson said about us women, “Your virtue, light, love, knowledge, courage, character, faith, and righteous lives will draw good women of the world, along with their families, to the Church in unprecedented numbers!” (“A Plea to My Sisters,” Ensign, Nov. 2015, emphasis added)  This is true for all people we interact with.  We can all reflect the light of the Savior more.  We can all share light with those around us, inside and outside of our families.  The light of Christ is within us all.  We can each share it in our own way and as we do, His sunbeams shine forth and bring joy and hope to those around us. 


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