January 2024 RS Newsletter

 The new year is here and all around us people have made New Year’s resolutions.  Some people choose a word to represent their focus for the coming year.  The gyms are a little bit busier and the stores are selling more home organization gear.  Some aren’t interested in new goals, or any goal at all!  Or like me, you may be hesitant to choose because how do you narrow it down and how do you know what for sure to commit to this year?

One purpose of this mortal life is to grow into all that our loving Heavenly Father wants us to become.  Sometimes we know what He wants us to work on.  Sometimes we choose for ourselves.  Many of us can recognize trials in our lives that were most likely allowed to happen to lead to our growth.  I also remember callings that I was reluctant to accept because they seemed very far from my skill-set or comfort zone.  Because I said “yes”, they led to drastic growth in abilities that I may have found no other way.

My son, Grant, told me a thought he had…  That a father wouldn't be a loving father if he just carried his child around throughout her life, showing her the world, but never letting her down to experience the good and the bad.  Likewise, a loving Heavenly Father allowed us to come to this life and He “put us down” in a wondrous, yet treacherous world.  Here we would experience the challenges and the blessings of a mortal journey.  But we would not do it alone.  We would have families, friends, and ward families to accompany us.  We would have the Holy Ghost to guide us.  In the scriptures, Elisha shows his servant that, “they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” (2 Kngs. 6:16)  Who knows the help we have from our ancestors and others that we cannot see. Though we face many struggles and it isn’t easy, the Lord said that “all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good” (D&C 122:7).

So how do we grow in the ways Heavenly Father wants us to grow? 

As you consider how you will grow this year, maybe consider this quote from President Monson.  “First, learn what we should learn.  Second, do what we should do.  And third, be what we should be.” (Oct. 2008 Conference)  That may seem like an enormous task, but the Lord doesn't expect us to run faster than we have strength.  Maybe just consider one thing in each category.  

One comfort I have as I am trying to stretch and grow is the Sacrament.  I heard someone say recently that the Sacrament isn’t just renewing our covenants– we are actually making a NEW covenant with the Lord every week.  Revelation 21:5 says, “Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”  Jesus lets us completely begin again.  And He knew we would make mistakes, often enough that we would need this weekly opportunity to begin again.  He was sent as our Savior because we couldn’t do it without Him.   

Maybe the most important thing as you consider how you could grow this year is to include Him.  He knows you the best of all.  He knows all of your backstory and all your fears.  He has the greatest confidence in you and sees your true potential.  He also obviously knows how quickly you should grow.  Maybe He thinks you should slow down.  Maybe He thinks you should take on a bit more.  Prayerfully allow Him to be your partner in this pursuit.

This year, may we embrace the growth the Lord has in store.  May we be guided by His Spirit to know what that looks like for each of us.  And may we keep trying, for Jesus is a God of second, third… even all the chances we need to become all that our Loving Father believes we can become.


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