My sister attended the Portland Temple this week and saw the image of Jesus’ Second Coming by Harry Anderson in the Celestial Room. She said this time, for the first time, it seemed to be that the Savior was offering her a hug. She imagined that of all the good hugs she has had in her life, of course Jesus’ would be the best. We often look at the table prepared for the Sacrament. We recognize the symbolism of the white cloth covering the symbols of the Savior’s body. We reverently ponder how this funeral changed everything and fulfilled God’s Plan. But I recently heard someone compare it to a dinner table. This is Jesus’ table. There is a piece and a cup for all who wish to receive it. There is room for each one around this table. This table of humility. This table of sacrifice and obedience. This table, most of all, of love. You belong here. Even if you are waiting for the time that you can partake of it once...
I have been thinking a lot lately about light. This time of year, I am amazed how more motivated I feel after a long, dark winter. The longer days are refreshing and I am less weary. I often don’t even realize how late it’s getting. Brynne Wilcox asked in her April Relief Society lesson for us to think of examples of people who shared their light with us. I have been reflecting on specific friends and moments when someone shared their light with me. Usually it was nothing monumental to them, but it was profound and meaningful to me. One friend told me often that she loved me. A sister from this ward texted that she had been thinking of me. I have a friend that always gives good advice. One young woman bore her testimony of scripture study. So many share their light with me. It lifts me and helps me find joy. This light gives me courage and hope. Jesus describes Himself as the “light of the world” (John 8:12)....
Grandma always taught me that "everything looks better in the morning". I recently found out that her mom taught her that. It seems that either I have new perspective after a good night's sleep. Or just more strength to tackle it. Or, sometimes, my problem just doesn't matter as much. So three generations of your family lived by this tip. At your time of life, sometimes you don't have the time for sleep. But if you do, it's a good idea. When life seems "too much", just go to bed and see what it looks like tomorrow.
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